Aedan Gardill
Credentials: Precision measurements with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
Position title: he/him/his
Chamberlin Hall 4338
Madison WI 53715
In my physics research, I study atom-sized defects in diamond called nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. NV centers are sensitive to their local environment’s electric, magnetic, and temperature fields. Along with their excellent quantum properties at room temperature and the ability to place other material right on the diamond surface, NV centers make fantastic measurement tools. We plan to use the NV centers to precisely measure the electric and magnetic field noise on the surface of quantum computing devices, like quantum dots and superconducting qubits. In my art, I work in two-dimensions, focusing on painting and printmaking.For the past four years I have made art that examines the gender and racial inequalities still prevalent in the sciences. I want to combat the stereotype of the white, male scientist by increasing the visual representation of diverse scientists. My art advocates for underrepresented scientists by sharing the stories of their lives and research in an accessible format.
- BA, Physics and Studio Art, Lawrence University
- National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship